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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta librarian. Mostrar todas as mensagens

terça-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2017

Eu NÃO quero ser bibliotecária da biblioteca presidencial de Trump / I wouldn´t want to be Trump's librarian

Jimmy Mergulheis

Preferia despedir-me! (Nem sequer é seguro uma mulher passar perto dele).

I would quit!

quarta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2016

terça-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2016

Nu com a mão no livro: bibliotecários brasileiros tiram a roupa em calendário 2016 para a construção da 1ª Biblioteca da Diversidade

"Depois dos calendários da Pirelli e da revista LOVE, repletos de musas, o mais novo projeto a chamar a atenção de HT é o desenvolvido pelo bibliotecário Cristian Santos, que usou sua indignação com o descaso governamental em relação ao público LGBT e resolveu convidar alguns colegas de profissão para se despirem. Mas tudo por uma boa causa: a turma, que reúne profissionais de São Paulo, do Distrito Federal, do Rio de Janeiro e por aí vai, posou nua para arrecadar fundos para a construção da Biblioteca da Diversidade, um acervo com livros que abordem minorias religiosas e de gênero, assim como quebrar os paradigmas de que a profissão é formada exclusivamente por mulheres".

Veja mais imagens AQUI.

sexta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2013

O futuro das bibliotecas num mundo digital / "The Future of Librarians in an EBook World"

"In an environment where we are continually being solicited to buy, click on, or otherwise consume products selected for us by algorithms (which often make ridiculous and even insulting suggestions), the presence of a guiding human sensibility seems more valuable than ever. A good librarian, unlike the monetizing formulas employed by Google or Amazon or Facebook, is not only capable of independent thought, he or she is also committed to nurturing critical thinking in others. All the technological bells and whistles a library can employ are pretty much worthless if there’s no one minding the store".

Este é o excerto de um artigo pertinente sobre os desafios que hoje se colocam às bibliotecas. Leia na íntegra AQUI.

terça-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2013

Guia para bibliotecários sobre as leis dos Direitos de Autor / "Copyright for Librarians: the essential handbook"

"Copyright for Librarians: the essential handbook" é uma publicação conjunta da Harvard’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society e da EIFL (Electronic Information for Libraries) sobre as leis dos Direitos de Autor: 

"Copyright for Librarians" (CFL) is an online open curriculum on copyright law that was developed jointly with Harvard’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society.
Re-designed as a brand new textbook, "Copyright for Librarians: the essential handbook" can be used as a stand-alone resource or as an adjunct to the online version which contains additional links and references for students who wish to pursue any topic in greater depth.
Delve into copyright theory or explore enforcement. With a new index and a handy Glossary, the Handbook is essential reading for librarians who want to hone their skills in 2013, and for anyone learning about or teaching copyright law in the information field.
“...What makes this volume so special – and so uniquely valuable – is that it puts reliable guidance in the framework of a broader analysis of copyright policy, focusing attention on the role that librarians can play. As the book makes clear, library patrons benefit from national laws that balance protection and access, and librarians can help assure that their own national legislation fits this description. This is a book that everyone concerned with the future of libraries everywhere will want to consult again and again in the years to come.”
Peter Jaszi, Professor of Law, American University Law School

Está disponível para download AQUI.

quinta-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2011

Os livros na era da revolução tecnológica / Books and the recent technological revolution

Contrary to many futuristic projections—even from bibliophiles who, as a group, enjoy melancholy reveries—the recent technological revolution has only deepened the affection that many scholars have for books and libraries, and highlighted the need for the preservation, study, and cherishing of both.

                                    We’re Still in Love With Books - Advice - The Chronicle of Higher Education


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