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quinta-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2017

"The Ballerina": um poema de Edwina Reizer, ilustrado por Melinda Byers

"Ballet Day Dreams" por Melinda Byers

The Ballerina

The frightened ballerina, 
standing on her toes
stood behind the curtain
in a dainty pose.
Having practiced faithfully
hour after hour,
inside her heart was pounding.
Outside her muscled power
overcame her fear.

The overture now playing,
each note was in her ear.
And as the curtain opened
it took away her fear.
The stage, the lights
became her love.
Each pirouette and leap
took her way above
into a different sphere.

The audience, mesmerized,
intent on every motion,
appreciation on their faces
showed deep emotion.
And as the music ended
she took her final bow.
No longer was
she frightened,
in fact emboldened now.
She knew why she was here.

To dance, to dance
at every given chance.
To hear the applause
and hear them call her name.
And so the ballerina
standing on her toes
so graceful and dainty
is awed as she does hear.
'Bravo, bravo,
bravo, my dear.'

Edwina Reizer (12/22/1937 )

terça-feira, 8 de outubro de 2013

Um livro gratuíto sobre como manter as crianças a ler na era dos jogos de video / "Keeping Kids Reading": a free download book

Mais um livro de download gratuíto na Amazon: Keeping Kids Reading: How to Raise Avid Readers in the Video Age de Mary Leonhardt:

"Once your children have begun reading for pleasure, which books will keep them reading? Keeping Kids Reading identifies common reading paths that children follow, as well as reading paths that are more unusual. 

The book is based on the many interviews Mary Leonhardt conducted with avid readers during her 35 years of teaching high school English. A transcript of many of the interviews is included in the appendix.

She found that, as avid readers grow up, they become more willing to read books outside of their special area of interest. But while children are just beginning to fall in love with books, it is very important to identify what kind of books will bring them into a literate world".

Faça o download gratuíto AQUI.


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