
domingo, 11 de julho de 2010

A literatura é para os insatisfeitos?

Prefiro pensar que é para os sonhadores. Há sonhadores satisfeitos.  :)
Does Alice dream of wonderland?

"Sanity may be madness but the maddest of all is to see life as it is and not as it should be".

Don Quixote

"Literature says nothing to those human beings who are satisfied with their lot, who are content with life as they now live it. Literature is the food of the rebellious spirit, the promulgator of non-conformities, the refuge for those who have too much or too little in life. One seeks sanctuary in literature so as not to be unhappy and so as not to be incomplete. To ride alongside the scrawny Rocinante and the confused Knight on the fields of La Mancha, to sail the seas on the back of a whale with Captain Ahab, to drink arsenic with Emma Bovary, to become an insect with Gregor Samsa: these are all ways that we have invented to divest ourselves of the wrongs and the impositions of this unjust life, a life that forces us always to be the same person when we wish to be many different people, so as to satisfy the many desires that possess us.

Mario Vargas Llosa, “Why Literature?”
Citações via Booklover

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