
quarta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2012

O que acharia Jane Austen de "As Cinquenta Sombras de Grey"? What would Jane Austen think about "Fifty Shades of Grey"?

Já estou a ver a senhora (minha escritora de eleição, aliás), solteirona do século XVIII, filha de um reverendo, a corar, com falta de ar, afrontamentos...Jane Austen sempre deixou os pormenores mais carnais à imaginação do leitor e nos seus romances de fina ironia nem sequer um beijo . O romance erótico "As Cinquenta Sombras de Grey", pelo contrário, é extremamente descritivo, podendo inclusivamente constituir um manual para quem se quer iniciar na prática de "bondage".

No entanto, apesar do fosso temporal, literário e de estilo, há quem tenha estabelecido uma relação entre as obras de Jane Austen, nomeadamente "Orgulho e Preconceito" e este romance "soft-porn". Ora vejam:

  • Reader, I ravished him: Classics given a steamy Fifty Shades of Grey makeover that would make Jane Austen and the Brontes blush, de Emily Andrews AQUI

  • Fifty Shades of Grey meets Pride and Prejudice: classics get erotic rewrites
Erotic publisher brings readers 'the scenes you always wanted to see but were never allowed', by sexing up classic titles including Northanger Abbey, Jane Eyre and A Study in Scarlet AQUI
Artigo de Alison Flood
  • ’50 Shades of Grey’ Treatment Given to ‘Pride And Prejudice,’ Sherlock Homes And More de Eric Brown   AQUI


Jane Austen deve estar a dar voltas no túmulo!


Reader, I ravished him: Classics given a steamy Fifty Shades of Grey makeover that would make Jane Austen and the Brontes blush

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2174576/Classics-given-50-Shades-Grey-makeover-make-Jane-Austen-blush.html#ixzz2CgREOS6a
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Devotees of Jane Austen or  the Bronte sisters may wish to loosen their corsets and have the smelling salts within reach.
Some of the greatest works of English literature have been controversially ‘sexed up’ for the 21st century.
Following the success of erotic novel Fifty Shades of Grey, one enterprising publisher has given classics such as Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights a bawdy makeover.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2174576/Classics-given-50-Shades-Grey-makeover-make-Jane-Austen-blush.html#ixzz2CgPwlKfA
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