
quarta-feira, 5 de junho de 2013

Poema para um livreiro / Poem for a bookseller

Livraria na Dinamarca (em Naestved), 1899

The Bookseller

Bookseller, Bookseller, why do you weep?
Because I must sell my books far too cheap.

Bookseller, Bookseller, why do you grin?
Because an old lady is just coming in.

Bookseller, Bookseller, why all this joy?
Because she requires a nice book for a boy.

Bookseller, Bookseller, why do you cough?
Ahem! Well, the discount forgot to come off.

Bookseller, Bookseller, why are you gay?
Beause it's my best of business to-day.

Bookseller, Bookseller, why are you mad?
Because the half-sovereign I changed her is bad.

JJ Bell

in "Jack of all Trades", Londres, 1900

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