
sexta-feira, 24 de março de 2017

8 dicas para escrever boas resenhas de livros / "8 tips for writing good book reviews"

Janice Harayda é escritora, jornalista e fundadora do site  One-Minute Book Reviews.

Aqui fica a transcrição das suas 8 dicas para escrever boas resenhas de livros:

1. Seek out books that you can review uniquely well, and say what you alone can say about them.

2. Report facts accurately. Every reviewer’s judgments are at times flawed. But you can build trust with readers, authors, and publishers by getting the facts right even if you’re wrong about the merits of a book. Don’t trust your memory. Go back and check every fact and quote, and the spelling of every character’s name, before you post a review.

3. Answer these questions in every review: What makes this book different from all others? And why should anyone care?

4. Write conversationally. Read your reviews aloud and rewrite or cut anything you wouldn’t say to your smartest friend.

5. Purge your work of “reviewese,” words and phrases you see mainly or only in reviews. Avoid more than obvious clichés such as  “a must-read,” “ripped from the headlines” and “sends chills down your spine.”  Kill “relatable,” “unputdownable” and other publishing-industry neologisms, too.

6. Criticize the book, not the author, if you don’t like what you’ve read. Focus on what’s on the page, not a writer’s character defects.

7. Never review a book by a friend or an enemy. Make this part of a strict ethics code that includes avoiding any conflict of interest or appearance of a conflict. (The trouble is, as others have noted: You don’t know who your enemies are until you review their books.) If an editor asks you to review a book and you have a conflict of interest, say so before you accept the assignment. Have you and the author interacted on Facebook, Twitter or in real life? Editors may or may not consider those conversations a conflict, so spell them out before you before you take an assignment. If you’re reviewing a book for your own blog, disclose any conflicts in the review or a tagline at the end.

8. Find paper mentor, a great critic whose work you love. Read his or her work regularly and take it apart to see how it works. Hand copy the critic’s reviews or parts of them (with a pen or by typing them into a computer) to absorb their rhythm and structure.

© 2013 JaniceHarayda. Fonte: NetGalley

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