
domingo, 9 de abril de 2017

"12 Startup Success Secrets" de Eddie Yu: a minha "review"

"12 Startup Success Secrets - Mindset and Strategies workbook for building a Successful Online Business" foi-me cedido pela BookTasters e pelo autor, Eddie Yu,  para que eu fizesse uma apreciação honesta deste livro. Não há de momento edição em português. Publiquei a minha opinião na Amazon e no Goodreads com 5/5 estrelas e a seguinte "review":

"This is an extremely comprehensive book about the opportunity we all have to create a successful online Internet business in nowadays’ world context. Who doesn’t want to do something one is passionate about and with the freedom to work how and when one chooses? Eddie Yu teaches 12 lessons that can make you achieve that perfect lifestyle. These lessons come from his experience as a self-made entrepreneur. He describes his inspiring, courageous and bold journey from unemployment to wealth and, most of all, freedom.

It all starts with cultivating the right mindset. Action follows. It is extremely important to push yourself to the limits of your comfort, believe that you are ready to build your dream business, be creative and resourceful. It is determinant to invest in self-improvement by learning the skills necessary. And be unafraid. It’s difficult! It’s a difficult and challenging personal journey to make, especially if you have family who depends on you financially.

This is a book that comes at the right time in my life, its reading motivating and empowering. Without a doubt, an enriching reading.

I’m going to use his idea about vision journals. I loved it. I liked the authors approach to the whole journal concept, and how he created a relationship between journaling and his software platform".

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