
quarta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2018

"Make a List: How a Simple Practice Can Change Our Lives and Open Our Hearts": a minha "review"

"Make a List: How a Simple Practice Can Change Our Lives and Open Our Hearts", de Marilyn McEntyre , foi-me cedido pela Netgalley e pelo editor para que eu fizesse uma apreciação honesta deste livro. Não há de momento edição em português. Publiquei a minha opinião na Amazon e no Goodreads com 3/5 estrelas e a seguinte "review":

A different approach to lists

I always do to-do lists. Lists of Christmas presents to buy. Lists of things to take on vacations. Lists of groceries to buy. I did a list of names when I was to chose my younger daughter. I also have a list of dreams and this Marilyn McEntyre would understand. For her, lists can be much more complex than our daily to-do lists. They therapeutic and a tool for self-discovery.

Lists serve a surprising variety of purposes. Here are a few reasons to make them:
To discover hidden feelings
To name what you want
To clarify your concerns and fears
To notice what you might have missed
To unburden our sorrows
To claim what gives you joy and what you are grateful for

The author presents “rules” or suggestions in list-making to make lists useful, beautiful, and fun.Lists can be a way of opening up “play space". There is a whole section that is an invitation to play with lists.

The book ends with an appendix which suggests several original lists. A good one is "Why children enchant us". I have three children and my list will be endless.:)

This is an entertaining book with several good ideas to inspire us.

I received this book as an eARC from the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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