
quarta-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2018

"Quiet Girl in a Noisy World: An Introvert's Story": a minha review.

"Quiet Girl in a Noisy World: An Introvert's Story", de Debbie Tung , foi-me cedido pela Netgalley e pelo editor para que eu fizesse uma apreciação honesta deste livro. Não há de momento edição em português. Publiquei a minha opinião na Amazon e no Goodreads com 5/5 estrelas e a seguinte "review":

Quiet Girl in a Noisy World: An Introvert's Story is a comic book by Debbie Tung about a girl growing to accept her introversion as a feature instead of a flaw.

This book is SO me! I've always been an introvert and I used to feel inadequate. Now I'm older and ok with it. It's who I am and I know there is nothing wrong with it.

The author of this book really understands introverts, she must be one. Her portrait of introverts is accurate. The comics are short and to the point. The drawings are simple, in black and white and very expressive. They convey well, and without the help of much text, the message.

This is a good reading for introverts: it demystifies introversion. (I smiled as I recognized myself in some funny situations, I felt understood).

It's also a good book for extroverts who want to understand introverts. (I already told my husband, who is an extrovert, to read this book so he understands me better).

Yet, don't think that introverts don't like people, they do. They just get tired and drained after some time around people. They need some time alone.

There is another quirk to which I relate to the main character: I'm also a bookworm. I love to stay home with my kids, my husband, and my dogs. And also alone, in my corner, reading my books and recharging batteries.

I received this book as an eARC from the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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