sexta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2011

Pobre homem! / You poor man!

- Ainda não vi o Harry Potter - Ajude-me por favor!
- Pobre homem!

quinta-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2011

Os livros na era da revolução tecnológica / Books and the recent technological revolution

Contrary to many futuristic projections—even from bibliophiles who, as a group, enjoy melancholy reveries—the recent technological revolution has only deepened the affection that many scholars have for books and libraries, and highlighted the need for the preservation, study, and cherishing of both.

                                    We’re Still in Love With Books - Advice - The Chronicle of Higher Education

quarta-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2011

Anjo de Natal leitor / Christmas Angel reading

A filosofia da Internet / Internet's philosophy

The Internet isn’t really a technology. It’s a belief system, a philosophy about the effectiveness of decentralized, bottom-up innovation. And it’s a philosophy that has begun to change how we think about creativity itself.

quarta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2011

domingo, 27 de novembro de 2011

Era uma vez um rapaz... / Once upon a time there was a boy who...

Once upon a time there was a boy.
He lived in a village that no longer exists,
in a house that no longer exists,
on the edge of a field that no longer exists,
where everything was discovered
 and everything was possible.
A stick could be a sword.
A pebble could be a diamond.
A tree could be a castle.  

Nicole Krauss

O fado é Património Imaterial da Humanidade/ The Portuguese Fado

Mariza - Ó gente da minha Terra
Oiçam e comovam-se.

Ó gente da minha terra, estamos de parabéns! O fado foi hoje considerado Património Imaterial da Humanidade pela UNESCO.  :)

O bom bibliotecário / The good librarian

“Good librarians are natural intelligence operatives. They possess all of the skills and characteristics required for that work: curiosity, wide-ranging knowledge, good memories, organization and analytical aptitude, and discretion.”

Marilyn Johnson, This Book Is Overdue!

sábado, 26 de novembro de 2011

A geografia de Homer Simpson/ Homer Simpson's geography

Uma das personagens mais deliciosamente idiotas alguma vez criadas. Mais idiota que isto é muito difícil mas mesmo assim adoramo-lo!


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