"Write Smart, Write Happy: How to Become a More Productive, Resilient and Successful Writer", de Cheryl St. John, foi-me cedido pela Netgalley e pelo editor para que eu fizesse uma apreciação honesta deste livro. Não há de momento edição em português. Publiquei a minha opinião na Amazon e no Goodreads com 4/5 estrelas e a seguinte "review":
"I’ll start to confess that I went to check how many books Cheryl St. John had published: the answer is dozens of them. She knows what she is talking about. She’s a prolific writer that was already getting published in the nineties.
This is not the usual book about the writing process, inspiration, emotion and momentum. This is not about the magic of creation. It’s about organized work and productivity. It's about showing up. It reminds me of some books about time management and setting goals. All this applied to creative writing, with multiple examples. Good book.
I received this book as an eARC from the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for my honest review".