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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta poetry. Mostrar todas as mensagens

quinta-feira, 3 de maio de 2018

"Poema à Mãe" de Eugénio de Andrade

No mais fundo de ti
Eu sei que te traí, mãe.

Tudo porque já não sou
O menino adormecido
No fundo dos teus olhos.

Tudo porque ignoras
Que há leitos onde o frio não se demora
E noites rumorosas de águas matinais.

Por isso, às vezes, as palavras que te digo
São duras, mãe,
E o nosso amor é infeliz.

Tudo porque perdi as rosas brancas
Que apertava junto ao coração
No retrato da moldura.

Se soubesses como ainda amo as rosas,
Talvez não enchesses as horas de pesadelos.

Mas tu esqueceste muita coisa;
Esqueceste que as minhas pernas cresceram,
Que todo o meu corpo cresceu,
E até o meu coração
Ficou enorme, mãe!

Olha - queres ouvir-me? -
Às vezes ainda sou o menino
Que adormeceu nos teus olhos;

Ainda aperto contra o coração
Rosas tão brancas
Como as que tens na moldura;

Ainda oiço a tua voz:
Era uma vez uma princesa
No meio do laranjal...

Mas - tu sabes - a noite é enorme,
E todo o meu corpo cresceu.
Eu saí da moldura,
Dei às aves os meus olhos a beber.

Não me esqueci de nada, mãe.
Guardo a tua voz dentro de mim.
E deixo as rosas.

Boa noite. Eu vou com as aves.

Eugénio de Andrade

segunda-feira, 9 de abril de 2018

Livros têm a forma de portas: um poema / “Books are door-shaped”: a poem

Quint Buchholz

Tula [“Books are door-shaped”] 

Books are door-shaped
carrying me
across oceans
and centuries,
helping me feel
less alone.

But my mother believes
that girls who read too much
are unladylike
and ugly,
so my father's books are locked
in a clear glass cabinet. I gaze
at enticing covers
and mysterious titles,
but I am rarely permitted
to touch
the enchantment
of words.

All are forbidden.
Girls are not supposed to think,
but as soon as my eager mind
begins to race, free thoughts
rush in
to replace
the trapped ones.

I imagine distant times
and faraway places.
Ancient warriors.
Fantasy moves into
the tangled maze
of lonely confusion.

Secretly, I open
an invisible book in my mind,
and I step
through its magical door-shape
into a universe
of dangerous villains
and breathtaking heroes.

Many of the heroes are men
and boys, but some are girls
so tall
and clever
that they rescue other children
from monsters.

Margarita Engle

sexta-feira, 30 de março de 2018

Poemas de ponta & mola

poesia & poesia

poesia pró coração
poesia procuração
poesia rissóis pra fora
poesia para a velhice
para atrasados mentais
e também prá parvoíce

poesia libidinosa
para acordar os chéchés
e pra outras coisas mais

a poesia cor-de-rosa
para corações doentes
de donzelas suspirosas
rosas rosas amarelas

poesia clorofilada
para lavagem de dentes

poesia para o natal
expressamente encomendada
e poesia natalícia
pró menino dos papás
a poesia necrológica

dum velhinho trucla zás

a poesia só formal
porque o poeta coitado
tem o vício de escrever

a poesia cautelosa
porqu’isto nunca se sabe

a poesia fadunchada
e uma fadista aluada

a poesia da borbulha
que passa depois daquilo

poesia obrigada a mote
a cavalo num poeta
sentado num burro a trote

a poesia pra que conste
dum poeta muito muito
muito muito muito bicha

poesia quinquagenária
duma jovem rapariga

poesia bordada à mão
dum ancião já sem pé

a poesia ao pé da mão
a poesia ao pé do pé

poesia encapada capada

poesia para tudo
poesia para nada

Mendes de Carvalho "Poemas de ponta & mola"
Via Bruaá Editora

quarta-feira, 21 de março de 2018

Dia Mundial da Poesia: um poema "sobre um poema"

"Escrever com o coração", Fernando Vicente

Sobre um Poema

Um poema cresce inseguramente
na confusão da carne,
sobe ainda sem palavras, só ferocidade e gosto,
talvez como sangue
ou sombra de sangue pelos canais do ser.

Fora existe o mundo. Fora, a esplêndida violência
ou os bagos de uva de onde nascem
as raízes minúsculas do sol.
Fora, os corpos genuínos e inalteráveis
do nosso amor,
os rios, a grande paz exterior das coisas,
as folhas dormindo o silêncio,
as sementes à beira do vento,
- a hora teatral da posse.
E o poema cresce tomando tudo em seu regaço.

E já nenhum poder destrói o poema.
Insustentável, único,
invade as órbitas, a face amorfa das paredes,
a miséria dos minutos,
a força sustida das coisas,
a redonda e livre harmonia do mundo.

- Em baixo o instrumento perplexo ignora
a espinha do mistério.
- E o poema faz-se contra o tempo e a carne.

Herberto Helder

Fonte: Citador

quinta-feira, 8 de março de 2018

"Há mulheres que trazem o mar nos olhos" diz Sophia de Mello Breyner

Charles Dana Gibson

Há mulheres que trazem o mar nos olhos
Não pela cor
Mas pela vastidão da alma

E trazem a poesia nos dedos e nos sorrisos
Ficam para além do tempo
Como se a maré nunca as levasse
Da praia onde foram felizes

Há mulheres que trazem o mar nos olhos
pela grandeza da imensidão da alma
pelo infinito modo como abarcam as coisas e os homens...
Há mulheres que são maré em noites de tardes...
e calma

Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen, em "Obra Poética"

quarta-feira, 7 de março de 2018

Porque amanhã é o Dia da Mulher, aqui fica o segredo de uma "mulher fenomenal" por Maya Angelou / "Phenomenal Woman", a poem by Maya Angelou

Joseph Lorusso, 1966

Phenomenal Woman, por Maya Angelou

Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size
But when I start to tell them,
They think I'm telling lies.
I say,
It's in the reach of my arms
The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please,
And to a man,
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees.
Then they swarm around me,
A hive of honey bees.
I say,
It's the fire in my eyes,
And the flash of my teeth,
The swing in my waist,
And the joy in my feet.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

Men themselves have wondered
What they see in me.
They try so much
But they can't touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them
They say they still can't see.
I say,
It's in the arch of my back,
The sun of my smile,
The ride of my breasts,
The grace of my style.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

Now you understand
Just why my head's not bowed.
I don't shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.
When you see me passing
It ought to make you proud.
I say,
It's in the click of my heels,
The bend of my hair,
the palm of my hand,
The need of my care,
'Cause I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

Maya Angelou

segunda-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2018

A poesia é confissão / Poetry is confession

«Poetry is the one place where people can speak their original human mind. It is the outlet for people to say in public what is known in private...»

Allen Ginsberg

quarta-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2018

Um poema de amor de Fernando Pessoa para o Dia dos Namorados

Fernando Vicente

O amor, quando se revela,
Não se sabe revelar.
Sabe bem olhar p'ra ela,
Mas não lhe sabe falar.

Quem quer dizer o que sente
Não sabe o que há de dizer.
Fala: parece que mente
Cala: parece esquecer

Ah, mas se ela adivinhasse,
Se pudesse ouvir o olhar,
E se um olhar lhe bastasse
Pr'a saber que a estão a amar!

Mas quem sente muito, cala;
Quem quer dizer quanto sente
Fica sem alma nem fala,
Fica só, inteiramente!

Mas se isto puder contar-lhe
O que não lhe ouso contar,
Já não terei que falar-lhe
Porque lhe estou a falar.

Fernando Pessoa

domingo, 26 de novembro de 2017

Tempo de Natal / Christmastime is here

Carol singing, church bells ringing,
Once more Christmastime is here.
Children laughing, grownups beaming,
Hearts are warm with Christmas cheer.

Ruby Lee Mitchell

sexta-feira, 22 de setembro de 2017

Poema de Outono / Autumn

Quero apenas cinco coisas…
Primeiro é o amor sem fim
A segunda é ver o outono

A terceira é o grave inverno

Em quarto lugar o verão

A quinta coisa são teus olhos

Não quero dormir sem teus olhos.
Não quero ser… sem que me olhes.
Abro mão da primavera para que continues me olhando.

Pablo Neruda

sexta-feira, 31 de março de 2017

49 sinais de que és viciad@ em leitura/ 49 signs you’re addicted to reading

 Não me identifico com todas mas ainda assim há muitas que me descrevem. :)

1.  People are cool but reading is your preferred social activity.
2. You know what a book hangover is and you have them frequently.
3. You plan whole afternoons around browsing bookstores.
4. If you go too long without buying or reading a book you feel a huge sense of withdrawal and are thinking of the next time you can get away to a bookstore or library.
5. You have trouble functioning at work or school sometimes because you stayed up late reading.
6. You’re constantly sharing your favorite book quotes on social media and have either a Pinterest board or Tumblr dedicated to these quotes.
7. You’re always looking forward to the weekend but mostly because you can’t wait to get 2 whole days for unadulterated alone time with a new book.
8. You carry a book with you at all times because you never know when you’ll have a spare minute to do some extra reading.
9. Your friends and family have stopped asking you what you want for Christmas or birthdays because they know you’ll always say books.
10. You take your book clubs seriously. If you show up and you haven’t read the book? GTFO.
11. When you go out to dinner you find yourself wanting to gush about a book you’re reading and the characters in the story. You’ve been spending so much time with them you feel like they’ve become a part of your life just as much as anyone else.
12. You don’t mind layovers so much because you know it’s a perfect time to get in extra reading.
13. When you travel you always bring as least two books because you’re not sure what kind of mood you’ll be in or what sort of story you’ll feel like reading.
14. And if you don’t have a Kindle you just sort of assume half of your luggage will be all books.
15. When someone talks smack about one of your favorite writers you instantly get defensive and suggest they try reading another work by them.
16. You legitimately don’t understand people who say they don’t read.
17. When the movie version of a book comes out you’ll go see it but you know there isn’t any way the movie could be better than the book.
18. And when you do see the movie you’re appalled at how much of the story they left out.
20. One of your favorite things to do when arriving in a new city is to check out the local bookstores.
21. You actually have a bookstore bucket list of amazing bookstores around the world you absolutely want and need to visit before you die.
22. You’ve stopped lending books to friends because you know they just won’t care for the books in the way they should be cared for.
23. You don’t understand how people can be lonely when they have books.
24. You’ve skipped over entire meals or canceled plans just so you could finish a book.
25. You honestly can’t think of a better way to spend a Sunday than reading a book and drinking coffee or tea.

26. You buy all your friends and family a book for Christmas.
27. You always check out the max amount of books you can at the library and get annoyed when someone asks you if you’ll actually be able to read all of those by the due date. Hello, do you even know me?
28. You have words from your favorite author or book tattooed on your body somewhere.
29. You buy more books even if you have a stack of books that haven’t been read yet.
30. And you feel sort of guilty that you haven’t read those books yet but you will! Someday!
31. Pretty much your entire apartment is filled with stacks of books.
32. You sort of hate when a book is 250 pages or under because you know you’ll just end up reading it within a day or two and will have to find something else to read when it’s finished.
33. But that’s okay because you always have at least a few emergency books you can choose from if you have nothing else to read.
34. Some of your wardrobe choices are influenced by your favorite characters.
35. Or you straight up own t-shirts and sweaters with covers of classic novels.
36. When people can’t find you they just assume you’re at a bookstore.
37. And if you’ve stopped answering texts for the night people know you’re probably just engrossed in a book.
38. Significant others have caught you weeping at 3 a.m. clutching a novel but they’ve learned not to be alarmed by it anymore.
39. You feel legitimate sadness when a book only has a couple chapters left. You don’t want to leave your characters yet.
40. You love seeing people in public with books and you’re always try and catch a peek at the title to see what they’re into.
41. When the ending of a book sucks you feel seriously betrayed by the author. I mean, how could they do this to me?
42. You think the only way you can truly get to know an old, used book is by smelling it. Ahh, old book smell.
43. When you find a used bookstore you get ridiculously excited. The level of excitement can sometimes trump excitement over other awesome things like pizza places, icecream shops, etc. Your enthusiasm for used bookstores knows no bounds.
44. You take it personally when you recommend a book to a friend and 6 months later they still haven’t read it. What are they even waiting for?
45. Or even worse when you buy a book for someone and they don’t read it. How are we supposed to bond over our favorite passages!?
46. You wake up in the morning thinking about the characters in a book and wondering what will happen.
47. You own a variety of different editions of your favorite book. If you see it in a foreign bookstore or with a new cover you can’t help but want it for your collection.
48. You’ve yelled at a book in public.
49. Most of your Instagram photos are of stacks of books next to a cup of coffee. 

Koty Neelis



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